Who We Are & What We Believe
When you ask someone what they love about North Church they almost always say: the people. North Church commits to loving one another, our neighbors, and all those we have not yet met. Whether that means showing up with meals for someone in need, participating in our monthly service projects or holding hands in prayer, North Church’s love can be felt in all kinds of ways.
For folks at North Church, faith is more than words - our faith guides our actions both in our worship time and out in our lives. Throughout the year North Church shares time, talent and treasure to benefit those in need of support and love. Whether here in the Seacoast region or all the way to the Marondera Church in Zimbabwe - North Church’s service is at work in the world!
Throughout the week we welcome folks in for worship, Bible study, choir, community meetings, and gatherings of all kinds. There are no tests to pass, no tasks to perform - you are welcome here just as you are.
We are an Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, which means we welcome and affirm people of all walks of life, all genders, all sexualities, all emotions and all abilities in the life of our church. We believe that all people are made fundamentally good and that all people are worthy of love and belonging. Our work as people of faith is to help spread the love and safety to all those we meet.
The United Church of Christ is a progressive Protestant denomination that seeks to provide thoughtful, inclusive and faithful worship to God and fellowship to people of all walks of life.
In our pews you’ll find doubters and seekers, wonderers and wanderers, life-long Christians and brand new believers. There is no test to pass to belong here - we each bring our own gifts, graces and growing edges, and all of it works together for the glory of God. When we come together, with all our differences and similarities, with our open hearts and minds, we grow together toward the people and the church God is calling us to be.